Category: Web Development
Have you ever noticed that some companies experiment with their live website landing page or overall design before selecting a more stable web design? Ever wonder what this is all about? Yes, this is done to gauge the visitors’ reaction to website design variants to eventually come up with a design that is most engaging and offers best conversion rates. And the process is known as A/B testing.
Hi designers! Today we’re bringing you a collection of some of the best 35+ best Wordpress blog themes so you’ll have plenty of styles to choose from and take inspiration from for all your blogging design work. Now, you might have come across several examples of blog themes and you might find it difficult to choose from the multitude of designs.
Woah! If the constantly new cropping websites aren’t giving you a whiplash, we don’t know what will! It’s true there are new websites surfacing on the big world wide web every day and you must get boggled with all the designs and new stuff coming from all over the world. But if you’re a designer or a developer, who’s looking for a top quality UI and nothing short of excellent graphics, then HTML5 and CSS3 are the way to go. Which is why, today we’ll be sharing with all you budding designers some really awesome free HTML5 and CSS3 templates so you can get right to it.
More than likely you’ve read our recent article about pros and cons of Twitter Bootstrap. Maybe it’s not the perfect solution (and is there anything perfect?), but it’s definitely one of the best ways to build responsive web pages fast and easy.
With everything evolving so fast in IT and social media, it’s hardly surprising that even coding would eventually become obsolete. With services such as IM Creator, anyone can express freely in the worldwide web field without prior knowledge of PHP or CSS. The creator refers to – you’ve guessed it – the creation of websites based on pre-set high customizable templates in just a few minutes. I’m sure I’m not the only one to have long-since waited the day when such a thing was possible, so let’s get into the depth of it.
Hey there folks! Today we are bringing you another exciting freebie! Hold on to your horses people, because we are about to make your user interface experience top-notch! How many times have you wished for a simple, clean, professional admin panel template for your websites? Today, we’ll be giving you a free admin panel template just designed that way so your workload is down to a minimum. All you have to do is click a button, and it’s yours! Get ready to meet your free admin panel template!
A slow site is like standing in a long queue at the grocery store. At first we’ll stand in the queue, but if it doesn’t start moving quickly, we’ll simply go off and find a shorter queue in which to stand in. It’s the same for your website. If it takes too long to load, customers will go elsewhere. It is for this reason that you should consider adding a few bites in your code because by doing so it could save you a few seconds when IE or similar browsers are processing your code. Here are a few suggestions of how to speed things up.
You’ve probably been selling nicely online for a few months now; as you do so, you might think it’s the right time to change the gear and be smarter. But, as you attempt to do more, make sure you don’t put your customers off, since it’s easy to annoy them. One single mistake may cause you some ugly cussing. I’m pretty sure you don’t want that or for that matter, no online retailer would like that.