Category: HTML-CSS


Free HTML5 and CSS3 Template

Free HTML5 and CSS3 Templates

Woah! If the constantly new cropping websites aren’t giving you a whiplash, we don’t know what will! It’s true there are new websites surfacing on the big world wide web every day and you must get boggled with all the designs and new stuff coming from all over the world. But if you’re a designer or a developer, who’s looking for a top quality UI and nothing short of excellent graphics, then HTML5 and CSS3 are the way to go. Which is why, today we’ll be sharing with all you budding designers some really awesome free HTML5 and CSS3 templates so you can get right to it.

What makes HTML5 truly inevitable for Website Designs

HTML5 has once again started a raging debate between the developer community in a way seen never before. The various building blocks of HTML5 under the scanner and being judged for their true delivery, versatility and overall worth. Though, HTML5 is still in its evolving stage it is powerful enough to keep the attention hanging over its latent importance.

PROS and CONS of using Twitter Bootstrap

PROS and CONS of using Twitter Bootstrap

What is Twitter Bootstrap? Simply said, Twitter Bootstrap is an absolutely free, thanks to Twitter’s Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, “multi-toolkit” for web designers. Twitter Bootstrap offers HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, charts, navigation and other web design components.

Html5 Video

How to Create HTML5 Video for Your Website

A very interesting novelty of HTML5 is the ability to view multimedia content, especially video, using only the HTML tags. If we consider that each tag is actually interpreted by the browser, and then rendered, it soon becomes clear that the new specifications concern browsers, and not the page syntax. As of today, if we look at the operation of HTML, videos are usually displayed somewhere with a special plug-in, most notably Adobe’s Flash and Apple’s QuickTime.

15+ Free jQuery Plugins for Responsive Web Design

Hey folks! Hope you’re doing well and that your designing ventures are going great! As you know, with the increase of smart phones, tablets and PDAs, web browsing has taken on an entirely new level. As new technology makes it possible to navigate the entire world at the mere touch of your fingertips, it becomes increasingly important to create websites that are compatible and responsive over a wide range of smart devices, and not just PCs.

25+ Premium and Free Email Newsletter Templates

As online advertisements are one of the leading modes of advertisements nowadays hence the need of email newsletter templates is among the most needed one as well. Free email newsletter templates are very much found in this vast world of internet however to find the exact email newsletter template which really meets your requirement is a hell lot of work which requires good search.

HTML and CSS Custom Buttons Generator

Gone are the days when coders had to sit for hours in front of their development editors, typing countless lines of code to create custom buttons for their websites. These button generator we are going to share with you today have dramatically simplified this button making process, considerably reducing the time and effort web designers spent on such tasks. These HTML buttons generators provide a very powerful features, such as gradients, shadows, and button roundness, that a designer can use to produce quick results, which are just as good as anything we get from powerful graphics software like Photoshop.

An Ultimate CSS3 Generator List

We all know that CSS3 is changing the Web with its useful and attractive features. As you may know that CSS3 is not compatible with all the Web browsers yet but we can expect to see this compatibility issue resolved in the near future. Web designers are already following CSS3 standards and they have also started implementing them in their Websites. To make their life easier we have compiled a list of CSS3 Generators that will help them to get desired results within a few clicks.