Category: Design

70 Beautiful Email Newsletter Designs

Email Newsletters are the most widely used form of email these days by websites, companies, businesses, organizations, clubs and the like. And no wonder why! They are fast, they are cheap, they are economical, they are trendy and they are more effective than the old method of mailing through post. Email newsletters are used for informing, educating, and marketing purposes by all the best organizations and websites.

49 Free Merry Christmas Vector Graphics

It’s that time of year again! Christmas is just a few weeks away and already all the preparations are being made all around the world. Make this holiday season extra special with our collection of brilliant Christmas vector designs, ready to be used at your disposal whenever you see fit, and for whatever design project you wish to undertake.

404 Error Page Design

404 Error Page Designs

When a users land on a 404 error page, the main tools that help make navigation easier for them is to either help them go back to the page they came from, or the homepage, or help search for what they’re looking for through a search bar. Yet even these simple tools can be designed and created in such a way as to make a really good 404 error page!

30 Best Website And Blog Footer Design

There are loads of ideas and inspirations you can draw from our post today with our showcase of footer designs. It will be especially useful for those designers who wish to create a little something extra and special in their footers. A blog footer design or a website footer design is created with the theme of the website in mind, and often in most cases is a natural extension of the site itself.


ColorFX Announces $250 Brochure Design Contest

ColorFX, announces a simple to enter brochure design contest which gives away $250 worth of print products to the winner. Contest is for designing a brochure. Participants may choose to create a brochure specifically for the contest or enter their favorite existing work, for a chance to win $250 worth of print products from the extensive range offered at the website.

35 Creative Calendar Design Inspiration

Businesses are not inanimate entities. Today’s successful businesses mean liveliness, vibrancy, and dynamism. They are living organization connected with a living world. In them, they embody stories of hard work, struggle, ambition, persistence, creation, innovation and success. These are stories about people, like you and me, who give these companies their character and align their lives with the objectives of the company.