70 Beautiful Email Newsletter Designs

Email Newsletters are the most widely used form of email these days by websites, companies, businesses, organizations, clubs and the like. And no wonder why! They are fast, they are cheap, they are economical, they are trendy and they are more effective than the old method of mailing through post. Email newsletters are used for informing, educating, and marketing purposes by all the best organizations and websites. Signing up for a newsletter, the user is kept informed of all his areas of interest via email. So you can see why the email newsletter got so much popularity!

Now coming to the newsletter design, in our showcase today, we will be exploring quite a few of them with you, and you can see for yourself how designers make their newsletter designs fresh and interesting in order to grab as much readers as they can. Email newsletter designs should essentially be in harmony with the content of the newsletter itself and should complement it in every way. That is why, you’ll see, that a lot of thought and planning has gone into choosing the right font, for example, or the color palette, the background, the images, the layout etc. So go through our post today, and you’ll find several examples to give you some ideas and inspiration.

But designing an email newsletter can have its drawbacks too. For example, if the information provided in the email newsletter is not clear, or if the layout isn’t catchy or presentable or it is too boring or messy, the readers may lose interest and they may not sign up for the email newsletter, or they may discontinue their membership. That is why, holding the reader’s attention via design is essential. But once you’ve got a great design and layout, there is nothing better for advertising and marketing than an email newsletter!

Look closely!

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The Design Work

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4 Responses

  1. alanorourke says:

    Nice work. Thanks.

  2. These newsletter are really quite interesting n more attractive 🙂
    usually people use just typed news letters which just make bore to readers, with this way peoples will gonna attract more n will be feeling more joy while reading!

  3. emails have changed the oldest trend of mailing no doubt, and proved to be best source of conveying message, either personal, promotional, informative. We can use it all the way. Nice sharing brother.

  4. oh my gosh these are wonderful, I wouldn’t mind receiving some newsletters looking like this! So often they look absolutely awful