Random Pictures Inspiration #1
Randomness is a powerful force in our lives. But being random is not necessarily a bad thing. This can add a surprise element to our predictable and mundane routines and temporarily take our minds off the boring daily tasks. I think random pictures can have the same effect on us. Every new random picture provides us with a window to look into a fresh face of this universe.
This post is the first of a new series that will bring you some random inspiration in the form of beautiful pictures. These pictures try to capture nature and its inhabitants in their pristine beauty. Oceans, deserts, fertile fields, rocks, mountains… these pictures have it all. Some pictures try to portray the human innocence while others embody human emotions. Still others evoke a peculiar sense or feeling like loneliness or the calm ‘after’ the storm.
A good random picture has a unique quality: it tells you a random story. And some good random pictures, I believe, can inspire you to weave some beautiful and inspiring stories. So, let’s check out the following pictures and let your imagination do some story telling for you.