Paper Sculpture By Jeff Nishinaka

Jeff Nishinaka is the world’s premier paper sculptor with the a prolific career that spans 28 years. Nishinaka attended UCLA and graduated from the prestigious Art Center College of Design, where he first experiment with paper art and sculpture.

Nishinaka’s commercial portfolio includes Bloomingdale’s Galleries Lafayette, Sprint, The Peninsula Hotel, Visa, Penn State University, Paramount Pictures and Coca Cola, among others. Actor Jackie Chan, who is a close friend of the artist, own the largest collection of Nishinaka’s work. Nishinaka began working in paper quite by accident.

“I have always wanted to be a painter, but while studying illustration at Art Center, I was given assignments in both a graphic design and fashion drawing class at the same time to experiment in different mediums, one of the them being paper. That was my ”Ah-hal’ moment. I quickly developed a feel for working with paper. From then on, i began experimenting with different papers, finding ways to shape, bend and round edges on it. I wanted to manipulate paper in the least invasive way, to keep the integrity and feel of it. Paper to me is a living, breathing thing that has a life of it’s own. I just try to redirect that energy into something that feels animated and alive.”


Paper Sculpture

Paper Sculpture

Paper Sculpture Advertising

Paper Sculpture Advertising

Paper Sculpture Advertising

Paper Sculpture Advertising

Paper Sculpture Advertising

Paper Sculpture Advertising

Paper Sculpture Advertising


Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fashion Paper Sculpture

Fine Art

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture

Fine Arts Paper Sculpture


Installation Paper Sculpture

Installation Paper Sculpture

Installation Paper Sculpture

Installation Paper Sculpture

Installation Paper Sculpture

The Design Work

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8 Responses

  1. These paper sculptures are amazing.
    Hi,Jeff i really appreciates your creative work..i like this sculptures.keep on going your good job. thanks for this..

  2. Mind Blowing. This person is genius who create this.

  3. amazing what u can do with a knife and paper.

  4.  The designs are really amazing ,I love each and every design in this blog, fantastic job.

  5. marko says:

    this work seems unbelievable to me…

  6. Nisha Sharma says:

    MINDBLOWING ART…… leaves me just speechless!!

  7. David Kroj says:

    I can’t give any comments for these collections of picture and arts.

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