Facebook Page Design Galleries

Ever wondered how many fan pages exist on Facebook? Over 4 million and going strong, staggering figure isn’t it? Be it artists, businesses, professionals, or aspiring entrepreneurs, everybody has a Facebook page.  It is becoming a norm in the E-world to have a Facebook page in parallel with your website. It serves many purposes, having presence on the largest social media enterprise maximizes the chances of thousands or even millions of potential customers or fans…it sure is a huge potential indeed.

Creating a Facebook fan page is just the first step, what really matters in this ocean of pages is how you design your Facebook page. The user-friendly and easy customizable nature of Facebook page design allows you to create a unique design for your page that helps you stand out in the crowd.

In today’s post we share with you many Facebook page design galleries that will give an idea of how to create a page that is pleasing to eye and friendly to use, effectiveness and efficiency are the buzz words.

We hope that you benefit from these Facebook page design galleries and get some web design inspiration, go ahead have a read.

Don’t forget to give us your comments and feedback, here at The Design Work we always look forward to it.

Facebook Platform Showcase

Facebook Platform Showcase

Facebook Showcase

Facebook Showcase



Custom Facebook Page

Custom Facebook Page


Facebook Templates

Facebook Layouts

Facebook Layouts

The Design Work

This blog is dedicated to sharing creative and inspirational resources for Graphics, Web Design, Inspiration, Photography, Video Production, Tutorials and WordPress. You can connect with us on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest or follow us on Twitter.

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10 Responses

  1. Musa says:

    Wonderful Designs… Very cool collection. Thank you very much.

  2. SkyMax says:

    Very nice roundup and source for design inspiration. Thanks!

  3. Nice looking Facebook pages Thanks for the suggestion i was searching one

  4. Thanks for the Collection this helped me to think about changing my facebook page 🙂

  5. Lynn Hope says:

    Cool stuff. That’s exactly what I’ve been searching for. I’m building my Facebook fan page layout and need a good PSD template for it. THX!!!

  6. Bestnetsurfer says:

    Thanks for nice collection. Do you by chance know any good service that provides PSD to Facebook conversions?

  1. June 27, 2011

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  2. June 28, 2011

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  3. August 18, 2011

    […] has become a trend that every website has its Facebook fan page, twitter profile and its presence on other social media sites. It also helps them share their […]

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