Architectural Photography Tips
Architectural photography is one of the most loved and critical form of photography as in architecture photography the photographer has got a lot to do in order to bring some emotions alive in a non-living object. In this form of photography it is the art of photographer that how he brings life to a solid cemented structure. Most of the time it is often said that structures speak for themselves; here in this post we can add that photographers help the structures further to express their emotions as well. Although camera and its related photographic tools play a great role in a good photography but besides this other factors also very much have a great impact on the photographic results. It is the lightning effect and the background and most important thing the timings when the shots from the camera are taken by the photographers. Keeping in view these additional factors we thought to add some useful architecture photography tips for those who are some what new to this field of architecture photography as these tips will definitely help you to enhance further your photography results in a more eye-catching form. So have a look on these architectural photography tips and do try to use them and add a charismatic effect to your photographs.
Whether to let the background of the building peep into the photographs or not? It is solely a photographer’s decision. However you should be very careful while assessing whether the background of the building will add a charismatic effect to the building or will ruin the whole concept and the beauty of the architecture. You also should be very careful to see if the background of the building matches the historical information of the architecture or not.
For example if an old structure is located in the mid of a very populated city , in this case to have a background glimpse captured in the photograph of the old building is not at all a wise idea as it would altogether destroy the concept of photographing old historical structure.
The Gothic Cathedral of Ciutadella
You should be very conscious regarding the direction of the light while taking the photograph. The direction of light very much affects the contrast in the pictures and more over it also affects the over all shadowing effect and the texture of the photographs. The most favorable and moreover all time recommended is the front light effect while photographing a building. It not only enhances the beauty of the building rather it also adds on to the detail of the texture of the building as well.
Pastel Colored Houses at Tartini’s Square in Piran
Wide-angle Lens
In order to frame the entire architectural building in one shot you can use the wide-angle lens as it mostly helps to get the whole building in a single frame. However in case it is too large to get it captured in one frame than thanks to the new technology where you can use different tools to stitch different photographs together without giving the viewer a single doubt that these could be three photographs instead of one photograph.
London Diptych
Dusk and Dawn
Do try to take photographs of the architecture during the sunset or sunrise phase. You will observe that the beauty of the natural dawn and dusk lighting effect brings a special beauty in the photograph from a very special angle. The mixture of the natural hues highlights the beauty of the architecture in its own way which mostly even turns a very ordinary building to look very special in photographs. Moreover if you are planning to take pictures at night do take the photos when there is still some light in the sky as this will bring a very magical effect to your photographs.
When you take a photograph of a building on sunny day it would definitely add a very fresh touch to your photograph and might inspire many viewers. However if you try to revisit and shoot the same building in a stormy weather you will be amazed to find that almost every single viewer will stop for a while and see the photograph and definitely praise it. Try this and do share your experience with us.
Edinburgh Architecture
For sure if you take a photograph of an architecture where there is a beauty of reflection found some where in the photograph it will definitely add the magical touch to your photography. The beauty of the building is enhanced much more when its image is found reflected in the near by piece of water. Try this tip out and feel the difference.
Stuttgart, Germany
Historical Background
While taking photograph of any architecture make sure that you know a bit of the historical background of the building you are about to take the photograph of. This way you will be able to highlight the certain historical angles of the building that will definitely increase the value of the photographs. Through this you will not only give the view of how does the building look like rather it will also give the feel of the historical background of that particular piece of architecture.
Capturing from the bottom
Hence definitely the ultimate art of handling the camera and managing its technicalities and using the state of the art computerized tools to enhance the results of the photography is in the hand of the photographer. However these above mentioned tips can work as an allure enhancing factor which would definitely add the beauty and the details of the photographed architecture.
Try these tips out and do share your feedback with us by commenting on this post.
Thanks for sharing this article. Like the most. London Diptych and the Gothic Cathedral of Ciutadella are more interesting. Nice artwork.