25 Awesome Cafe and Restaurant Logos
Who doesn’t recognize their favorite restaurant or cafe’s logo? Everyone has a favorite, and the logos of one’s favorite or most frequented restaurant or cafe are instantly recognizable. People identify their favorite places by their logos. That’s the purpose of logos; to be instantly identifiable, relatable and recognizable. In today’s post we’ll be sharing some really awesome restaurant and cafe logos with you.
Whether they are vector based logos, or images or even paintwork, logos are fun to create and even more fun to see and study. If you’re a designer, you’ll be amazed to know how many logos have been created for restaurants and cafe’s all over the world and how much work goes into creating just the right one. Of course, before anything goes on pen and paper, ideas for a logo have to be brainstormed, then the related artwork is begun and all the related doodles or any rough sketches and drawings are made. Finally the selected drawing may be transferred and worked on graphically and illustrated.
Needless to say cafe and restaurant logos have to look inviting and tempting, and not dull or boring. Too dull colors or a dark layout will probably not be the best way to go about it. Instead, think of vibrant colors, bright tones and attractive fonts and typography. Multinational brands and food chains already have their family colors and a particular design and style which they follow. You’ll recognize them almost instantly anywhere. Logos have to be carefully selected and created for emerging businesses in the food industry and you’ll be surprised at how much work goes into creating just the perfect one.
The success of a good logo all depends on how far and for how long it is identifiable and recognizable with what it’s promoting to the people who use it and prospective users. Check out all these awesome restaurant and cafe logos and study your own favorites next time you go food and coffee splurging!