Superheroes Digital Art Inspiration
As small kids most of us were fascinated by some superhero character. These superheroes held strange powers over our minds – we idolized them for their supernatural powers and their unflinching resolve to extract us poor mortals from the clutches of evil. To be honest, there were times when the very survival of the world depended on them. And these superheroes never disappointed us. They made us believe in the power of the good and even inspired us to try to emulate them in our mundane lives.
After all these years, we have come to recognize that we may not be exactly as powerful as the superheroes we loved. But this superhero hype lives on to this day. The kids today, despite being sharper than us, are as fond of these superheroes as were the generations before them.
No wonder all of us still look for old and new superheroes all around us – in movie characters, in video games, and even in the form of cartoon characters. After all only these fantastical superheroes can give us the strength that can free us of our limitations. The following images attempt to illustrate vividly some old and new superheroes some of whom may have held a special place in your memories. Let your imagination once again take the lead and create your own superhero – someone who would probably be an extension of your imaginary self.
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