Stop Global Warming Design Inspirations

We all know that global warming is an issue which would affect our nature, global average air temperature, and other consequences of global warming. Here i have collected these beautifully designed Global Warming images.

Hope you would love this collection! Comments Please!

lights off

global warming


earth is melting

care or ignore

global warming

stop global warming

feel thirsty

ice is melting

save us

The Design Work

This blog is dedicated to sharing creative and inspirational resources for Graphics, Web Design, Inspiration, Photography, Video Production, Tutorials and WordPress. You can connect with us on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest or follow us on Twitter.

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4 Responses

  1. Dzinepress says:

    so much inspiring stuff you sharing. thanks

  2. Tarifa Rak says:

    Love these adds. Beautiful all of them!
    The problem is worldwide but, certainly, the USA is the most contaminant country in the world…. Shouldn´t you think a bit about your way-of-life?

  1. September 1, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Meilin Song, said: Stop Global Warming Design Inspirations | The Design Work #design #inspiration […]